Re: Q to all candidates: mutual communcation and decision-making tools
On 15359 March 1977, Jonas Meurer wrote:
Do you have concrete plans to improve the mutual/two-way communication
between the DPL and the rest of the project? Monthly bits from the DPL
are already helpful, but they're mostly a one-way communication so far.
I don't mean private communication between the DPL and particular
teams/developers, but public discussion.
I do not have concrete plans in that direction, no. But I am on IRC a
lot, everyone can start (public too) a discussion there...
I am also in #debian-dpl, a channel that was used long ago (Zack DPL
times). Can imagine having that used more again. Same goes for
One idea that came into my mind lately: we could do regular polls
I personally don't like random polls much. Those I know usually only get
answered by a very small subset of people, so you are back at what you
have already, just with a different tech below. Few people giving input,
except now the few are splitted over one more medium.
the most pressing problems/projects/changes among all project members
(after they got raised and discussed on the mailinglists) and the DPL
could delegate temporary teams to solve/implement the ones that got the
most votes. (I really like the idea of temporary task forces or "fixer
teams" that Jonathan Carter brought up in[1].)
Yep, that idea has merit.
bye, Joerg
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