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Ian Jackson, could you fork Debian? (was: RE: git is slavery! (Re: Proposal - preserve freedom of choice of init systems (Why won't emails go through to the list?)

What this discussion proves is that debian needs to be forked.

The systemd/gnome/redhat camp constantly derideds the
idea that Linux is about freedom and choice.
(I've been around for awhile, freedom and choice used
to be the bylines of linux fans). They mock anyone's
alternative and more traditional opinion.

They are the new kids on the block and know what is
best for everyone.
We are old and about to be shoved out the door.
(And rightly so, lol rotflmao and so on)

They have achieved a victory and are standing firm.
Furthermore they constantly show us where the door is.
They beckon us to go through it. It seems to be our
only option. Debian is ours nolonger.

Debian is now systemd/gnome3/so-on-and-so-on into madness.

Ian Jackson, could you fork Debian?
There could be a new distribution that caters to choice.
Perhaps even the founder of debian Ian Murdok would
become interested again.

You have the skills to do so, you have been with
debian from almost the begining. Those junior to you
now give you opinions no respect: they have made
up their minds and will not countenance dissent.

However, many other debian devs do respect you,
and your pro-choice position on Linux and debian,
they would likely follow you to create a new distro
out of the ashes of the old (Ashes from a rocket
ignition flying straight into the heart of the New
center of the linux system)

More specifically, Could there be a GR to fork debian
so that all debian devs will be alerted to this situation
and with that knowlege could choose to leave the anti
choice official debain for the more traditional
new fork of debian, and could you lead that GR and the fork.


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