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Questions for Andreas Schuldei

Andreas Schuldei <andreas@debian.org> writes:

> Part of the effords to determine what option there were I asked
> Anthony Towns if he could take the lead in the ftp-master team.

What you in fact said, amongst other things, was:

| <stockholm> so, in summary, can i conclude that you are not really
|             willing to become lead ftp-master, with some HR
|             responsibility and coaching new people?

And this happened on the 5th of October, which according to my IRC
logs was during the time you were still calling me on a fairly regular
basis.  You had not talked to me about this at all, in person, on the
phone, on IRC or by email.  ftp-master in October was certainly not a
source of problems in any way that could sanely be used to justify
replacing me, as far as I'm aware.

So, AFAIC, you were trying to orchestrate an internal coup in
ftp-master by backroom deals not because the team was fundamentally
broken or a source of serious problems but because you decided that
you knew best how that team should be organised.

My questions are:

 (1) Do you count this as part of your "considerable experience in
     how to organise Debian from a leadship (sic) role"?

 (2) Is this modus operandi something you learned from "[your]
     experience in implementing change in volunteer driven scenarios"?

 (3) In your platform you said:

      "As DPL I will lead this work further, which leaves us with more
       transparent, dynamic and communicative core teams."

     Do you think that approaching a member of a team in private and
     trying to convince him to hijack the team is conducive to
     transparent, dynamic and communicative teams?

 (4) You also said: "Debian needs to care more about its contributors."

     Is secretly trying to get other members of a team I'm on to
     hijack it from me how you show you care about me?

  (5) You also said: 

       "as a first step towards a more communicative system, and
        following, a higher regard and appreciation for those who
        volunteer and perform these roles. This would also lead to a
        more friendly, and productive relationship between developers
        who require help from these teams, and those within it."

      Likewise, how do you reconcile these fine sounding goals with
      what you did/tried to do?  "communicative", "higher regard",
      "friendly" etc.

  (6) Finally, is this how other team changes are going to be
      implemented if you get elected?


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