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Re: Question for candidate Robinson

Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> Go back to that discussion, read the full many 100 thread there, and you will
> see that the discussion which was throwed at me didn't even bother to : [...]

Now, most of what you were expecting was unstated and then
you got upset by the difference between what you expected and
what happened.  Some of the participants clearly did some of
the steps you state, but I can't say whether anyone did all,
as I can't remember what I did.

I suggest that not all of your expectations were obvious and you
should have told us about them before getting out the flamethrower.
I also believe that we must improve -legal docs (maybe after this
I will make time, if not beaten).

This is a public relations problem. Some people expect to come
to debian-legal for a flamewar, as that's how it's reported,
so it's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy at times, with d-l
contributors expecting new contributors to come in flaming and it
attracting new contributors from the flamable end of the scale.
Eventually it cools down, as it's a pretty reflective topic
unless you are zealous about it in one direction or another.

> give me any reason to not plainly dismiss this kind of bullshit coming from
> the supposedly serious debian-legal folk ? [...]

Sometimes it's appropriate to dismiss a bug, but don't
dismiss indiscriminately. See the "Bug housekeeping" advice at
and treat -legal-related bugs like any other.

> If debian-legal is to be thrusted, they must be prepared to have an
> argumentation whichis able to convince the maintainer, and not try to force
> half-backed assertion down his throat, and thus have him look ridiculous in
> his dealing with his upstream.

You've used this metaphor "thrusted" a couple of times and I didn't
understand what you meant by it. Now that you're linking it with
"force ... down his throat", I must challenge: are you really
likening debian-legal bug reporting to sexual violence? :-(

> I don't know if you have legal background, but someof the debian-legal folk
> have, and the kind of conclusion reached there would not stand before a judge,
> and you perfectly know that, and what good is the debian-legal advice then ?

If we all perfectly knew that, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
debian-legal is not as good as a good lawyer, but it tends to be
better than random and is a lot cheaper.

> That said, once i got the discussion on track again, and Matthew out of the
> way, we could have a serious discussion, and solve the problem, don't you
> agree with that ?

I don't remember whether this was solved and how. Was it?

My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
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