Re: Social Contract GR's Affect on sarge
On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 10:34:55AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 00:31:15 +1000, Hamish Moffatt <> said:
> > I'm stunned that this GR passed. I was surprised when the secretary
> > called for votes because the proposal wasn't anything close to ready
> > for voting
> Then you need to read the constitution, you obviously do noty
> know how Debian works. Once a proposal has gathered the requisite
> number of seconds, the secretary has limited wiggle room in calling
> the vote; A2.1. I had already put off Andrew once, pleasding
> technical issues, after he had called for a vote; I could notr, in
> good conscience, keep on postponing a properly proposed GR.
Actually I cannot justify your position from my reading of the
The constituition says that there is a minimum discussion period of two
weeks, plus/minus one week at the secretary's discretion.
It says nothing of a maximum discussion period.
It says that the proposers and sponsors may call for a vote. It does not
indicate that the secretary must act within any timeframe or even that
the secretary must act quickly.
I'm not actually suggesting that the secretary should stall the vote at
his own discretion. This is a hole in the constituition.
(Admittedly, somewhat smaller than the one that allows less than 4% of
the developers to change the social contract.)
Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <> <>
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