Results for the Editorial changes to the Social Contract GR
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At this point, with 244 ballots resulting in 216 votes from
214 developers, "Choice 1: Change the Social Contract [3:1 majority
needed]" has carried the day., with a 4.462:1majority, well over the
3:1 needed.
The list of voters is available at:
And the tally sheet is available for review at:
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Starting results calculation at Mon Apr 26 00:00:10 2004
Option 1 "Choice 1: Change the Social Contract [3:1 majority needed]"
Option 2 "Choice 2: Further Discussion"
In the following table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that
option x received over option y.
1 2
=== ===
Option 1 174
Option 2 39
Looking at row 2, column 1, Choice 2: Further Discussion
received 39 votes over Choice 1:
Change the Social Contract [3:1 majority needed]
Looking at row 1, column 2, Choice 1:
Change the Social Contract [3:1 majority needed]
received 174 votes over Choice 2: Further Discussion.
Option 1 Reached quorum: 174 > 45.2741648183597
Option 1 passes Majority. 4.462 (174/39) > 3
Option 1 defeats Option 2 by ( 174 - 39) = 135 votes.
The Schwartz Set contains:
Option 1 "Choice 1: Change the Social Contract [3:1 majority needed]"
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The winners are:
Option 1 "Choice 1: Change the Social Contract [3:1 majority needed]"
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- --
The introduction of a new kind of music must be shunned as imperiling
the whole state, for styles of music are never disturbed without
affecting the most important political institutions. ... The new
style, gradually gaining a lodgement, quitely insinuates itself into
manners and customs, and from it ... goes on to attack laws and
constitutions, displaying the utmost impudence, until it ends by
overturning everything. Plato, "Republic", 370 B.C.
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