And not always thanks to debian-legal, which wanted me to go to upstreamabout the QPLed emacs .el issue with the argument of : "we should be polite to RMS".
That is a gross misreporting of Brian Thomas Sniffen's advice to you, which was explained in some detail. Some -legal contributors still helped you despite your attacks on them ("I have not known a more rude bunch of people than the debian developers"), confusion between acts of different developers ("the current tentative to remove non-free as a threat to upstream authors" when BTS wrote he thought it better not to threaten upstream) and trying to provoke debian-legal into confrontations ("This is debian-legal, not debian-please-stay-polite"). You seemed to be trying to make debian-legal behave as your post today said they do, rather than how they really are. Remember that debian-legal is a mailing list of many developers and other contributors, not a single person.
That thread starts at in case anyone wants to "lose time" seeing how Sven misleads -vote readers again. I didn't read it all, but I still remember it from the time. I didn't post in that thread: I don't want to lose so much time to Sven Luther.
-- MJR/slef My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know. Please on lists to be sure I read gopher:// Creative copyleft computing services via