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Re: current A.6 draft

On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 05:50:28PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> If we can't trust them to vote what they think, why should we trust the
> outcome of such a vote?

Empirically, many people look at their vote as a means for achieving
the best outcome, not a statement of belief.  (Eg, those who
preferred Nader but voted for Gore.)  Do you assume that there are
no such people in Debian, or would you propose to exclude them?

I think your position is roughly:


        1. Debian developers' general sense of integrity
        2. social pressure to vote sincerely
        3. a sufficiently "expressive" ballot

    developers will vote sincerely even though

        1. some developers will not see their ballot as a moral
           statement, per se
        2. voting insincerely will be reliably effective in some

If so, I'll stop arguing.


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