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Re: Election status

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 10:44, Anthony Towns wrote:

> Actually, it's pretty easy. As part of the vote, you have an "order id",
> and whichever of these is highest, no matter what order the votes were
> received in, is accepted. So you give the bully the vote he wants, with
> `one bazillion' in the order field, and then submit the vote you really
> wanted with `one bazillion and one' in the order field. You need to be
> careful with your acks and naks in this case though.

Yes, but how do you then allow someone to verify correct counting of the
votes. If you drop the bully's vote from the list of counted votes,
he'll be very ticked when he doesn't see the ID number there; if you
don't drop it, how is someone other than the secretary to count the

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