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Re: Election status

[ I just saw this in DWN. ]

Anthony Towns <mailto:aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote:
> On the downside, this allows people to use that info to go up to whoever
> they voted for and say "Look, see, I did vote for you {give me that wad of
> cash you promised,don't beat me up}", which is theoretically undesirable,
> but harder to fix. It's possible that you can only choose at most two of
> making it impossible for the secretary to stack votes, voters being unable
> to prove who they voted for to candidates, and being able to change your
> vote/not know who's winning the vote 'til it's over.

How about:

 - When you vote, you additionally generate a random id and submit it
   with the vote.
 - In the vote list, the secretary publishes the id next to the vote.

You can still verify your vote, but you have no way to prove that you
chose a particular id, so you can't convince anyone that a particular
vote is yours.

A separate matter:  It's important that a sample of developers who
did not vote verify that their names are not on the voter list; and
that someone verify that all of the names on the voter list are
Debian developers.


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