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Re: I like DDTS

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 01:48:18PM +0200, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> Previously Michael Bramer wrote:
> > If you are right, please close all bugs that the maintainer can't act
> > on. 
> I always do. What would the use of a open bugreport be if it can't be
> resolved anyway?

this bugs are reminders.

If you get a 'backdoor' bug and you can't fix it, you close the bug? 

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
«Computers are like air conditioners -- they stop working properly if i
 you open WINDOWS»

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