Re: [PROPOSED] Michael Bramer must stop spamming or be expelled
>>>>> "Raphael" == Raphael Hertzog <> writes:
Raphael> Stop being stupid, our goal is to provide a good OS for
Raphael> all our users, this does include having *good* localized
Raphael> content whereever it's possible. For this the maintainer
Raphael> may want to review the translations ...
Raphael> That's EXACTLY why those mails have started to be sent !
Right. However people seem to have expressed the opinion that they
want an opt-in system not an opt-out system. I think this is mostly
because of the unsubscription system not working.
If people really believe an opt-out system has significant value over
an opt-in system, then see if you can get support for an opt-out
system with reasonable working opt-out.
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