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Re: differences among amd64 and i386

On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 09:54:08PM +0000, fuf wrote:
> I  don't notice differences among amd64 and i386 but think to pick among
> this. Give advice, what better please?

i386 (or any other 32-bit x86) Linux should generally not ever be
used on any hardware that supports amd64.

The main reason for this is that it is a dying platform not tested
as well or supported as well by upstream Linux kernel. It will have
security bugs that are unfixed and fixes for security bugs take
longer to land than for amd64.

The next Debian release probably will not even haver installer
support for 32-bit x86 - though it will still remain as an
architecture for those who want/need to do multi-arch.

If you have software that for some reason is only available for
32-bit x86 (e.g. proprietary binary that you cannot recompile) you
are advised to run an amd64 OS with support for 32-bit userland
programs, which has been well supported on Debian for ages.

If you have some tiny device with less than 4G RAM and you don't
care about security and you don't care about being able to install
up to date versions of Debian and other Linux OS, then: I guess you
could start wondering about whether the smaller data sizes of 32-bit
code could possibly be more performant but it's tricky to determine
if they really are and generally not worth it given the mentioned
issues of 32-bit Linux.


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