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Re: openssh: missing kex_exchange_identification ssh error messages with 1:9.5p1-2?

On 2023-12-14 14:04:08 -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 05:14:28PM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > I have the latest version!!! I recall that this is a Debian/unstable
> > machine, which I upgrade regularly. So, everytime I get such an error,
> > I have the latest client.
> Just for the record, saying you have the "latest" version of something
> is unhelpful.  This goes double when you're on a testing or unstable
> system.  We don't know how long ago you updated, or what mirrors you're
> using, or what errors might have occurred the last time you updated,
> or whether you have a locally installed version of "ssh" in your PATH
> before /usr/bin/ssh, or... anything.  Anything at all.
> When asking for help, it's best to give all of the relevant details up
> front.  Start by saying you're on Debian unstable.  Then give the
> installed package version (as printed by "dpkg -l openssh-client")
> and the output of "ssh -V".

As I've said in my message: I've upgraded to openssh-client 1:9.5p1-2.

The versions up to 9.4 were fine, i.e. I got a detailed error message.

> Since this is a problem with ssh, which uses a client/server architecture,
> giving the version of the server's sshd would also help.

openssh-server 1:7.9p1-10+deb10u3

but I don't think this is useful.

> Finally, if you've customized something that's relevant, be sure to
> include that.  For the ssh client, customizations are done in the
> /etc/ssh/ssh_config and ~/.ssh/config files.  Anything you've changed
> or added there would be important to disclose.

At the time of the test:

IdentitiesOnly yes
TCPKeepAlive no
ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%h-%p-%r
SendEnv LANG LC_*
ProxyCommand none
StrictHostKeyChecking yes

(and the last change was "KeepAlive no" → "TCPKeepAlive no"
in June 2022).

> If you've customized anything on the server end (i.e. in
> /etc/ssh/sshd_config) then you should disclose that as well.

Note that I am not the admin of the server. I can see that
MaxStartups was changed to "MaxStartups 20:30:120". But the
last change was done in June.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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