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Re: openssh: missing kex_exchange_identification ssh error messages with 1:9.5p1-2?

On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 05:14:28PM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> I have the latest version!!! I recall that this is a Debian/unstable
> machine, which I upgrade regularly. So, everytime I get such an error,
> I have the latest client.

Just for the record, saying you have the "latest" version of something
is unhelpful.  This goes double when you're on a testing or unstable
system.  We don't know how long ago you updated, or what mirrors you're
using, or what errors might have occurred the last time you updated,
or whether you have a locally installed version of "ssh" in your PATH
before /usr/bin/ssh, or... anything.  Anything at all.

When asking for help, it's best to give all of the relevant details up
front.  Start by saying you're on Debian unstable.  Then give the
installed package version (as printed by "dpkg -l openssh-client")
and the output of "ssh -V".

After that, describe the problem, and give whatever diagnostic information
you've managed to gather so far.  This might include the output of
"ssh -v myuser@myhost" for example.  The ssh client doesn't generally
write information to log files, but for *other* kinds of problems,
copying the relevant pieces of log files (or journalctl output, etc.)
would probably help.

Since this is a problem with ssh, which uses a client/server architecture,
giving the version of the server's sshd would also help.

Finally, if you've customized something that's relevant, be sure to
include that.  For the ssh client, customizations are done in the
/etc/ssh/ssh_config and ~/.ssh/config files.  Anything you've changed
or added there would be important to disclose.  If you've customized
anything on the server end (i.e. in /etc/ssh/sshd_config) then you
should disclose that as well.

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