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Re: [partly solved] Re: mounting media in plasma5

On Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 01:24:17PM +0200, Hans wrote:
> But ne thing I could not understand, maybe someone can answer this:
> When Plasma5 (KDE) or any other application is creating a new mount 
> below /media/, where does this new folder gets its ACL rules?

There is no such thing as "or any other application".  That's the point.
Every program does its own thing, following its author's own unique

According to <https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2023/07/msg00084.html>
the program involved when you mount this thing through KDE's clicky
widgets is udiskd.  Max even gave us a package name and a man page
reference for further reading.

I would start by confirming what Max said (look for log file or journal
entries that indicate udiskd actually did something).  Then, assuming
it's true, figure out how to configure udiskd to do whatever it is
that you're trying to do.  (Which seems to be something like "Whenever
someone plugs in a USB disk with an ext4 file system on it, I want you
to completely ignore all of the permissions within the ext4 file system,
treat it like VFAT, and make -me- the God Emperor of the Disk, able to
read and write everything."  I have no idea whether such a thing is
even possible.)

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