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Re: odbc_config missing

On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 01:48:34PM -0500, Igor Korot wrote:
> This sentence from the OP:
> [quote]
> I just tried to compile my program and got an error about it.
> [/quote]
> shows what I'm doing (it doesn't reference unixODBC at all, does it?)
> and the issue I'm facing.

No.  It does not.

Here are two theoretical help requests.  I would like you to compare

The first one:
Please help me!  I'm trying to compile a program and it doesn't work!
I got an error!

The second one:
Please help me!  I'm trying to compile moon-lander 1.2.  I'm following
the steps in the INSTALL file, but I get this error when I type make:

fred@zanzibar:~$ make
bash: make: command not found

What should I do?

Try to put yourself in the position of someone reading your messages.
How would you react, upon reading your own message, which is almost
completely devoid of any useful information?  How would you help yourself
based on that message?

At the very least you have to tell people what the error message says.
Do you think we can see your screen?  We can't.

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