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Re: Editing the DNS with Network Manager Non Root

On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 03:39:39PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> But the next paragraph talks of the file "/etc/resolvconf.conf",
> which has nothing to do with the resolvconf /package/, but is the
> configuration file for the /openresolv/ package.

What?  WHAT?!?

You know, I REALLY TRY.

If my BEST EFFORTS fall that far short, then whatever.  Maybe instead
of berating the wiki and the hard-working editors who TRIED OUR DAMNED
BEST to figure this shit out and document it for the world, you could,
like, help out?  Make it better?

*snort*  Yeah.  Right.

But, hey.  You know what WORKS?

chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf


But smug assholes in IRC insist that it's "wrong", or that it incurs
something they call "technical debt", whatever the hell THAT means,
and they keep trying to smother it.

Well, guess what?

If the "right ways" to do this ONE SIMPLE THING are so convoluted and
incomphrensible that we can't even DOCUMENT THEM correctly, maybe they
aren't so "right" after all!

Oh, and maybe whichever HALFWIT decided that there should be a program
named resolvconf and a configuration file named resolvconf.conf and
that these two should be UNRELATED TO EACH OTHER should stop inflicting
their decisions on Debian.  Just a thought.

P.S. this is the sanitized version of this email.  You're welcome.

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