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Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 05:46:35AM -0400, gene heskett wrote:


> Then why, after a decade and change of bitching about it because it 
> insists on putting a 169.254.xx,yy address in ones routing table that 
> only removing avahi fixes, has it not been fixed?

This would be an IPv4 link-local [0] address. Correctly naming
things is always the first step to taking control over them:
casting spells and that ;-)

Setting that up is zeroconf's [1] job, which, AFAIK, is actually
done by the avahi daemon. I can't check it myself, because my
box has no avahi.

But if you know how the thing's called, you can throw your spells
at a search engine (hopefully not the one of survellance capitalism,
but I disgress ;-) and find things like [2]. It tells you how to
convince different systems to not do that; under Debian, this would
be putting AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL=0 into some /etc/default/avahi-daemon.

No need to rm it. But if it satisfies you, you're your box's boss :)

I just don't install it.


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