Re: libvirt tools and keyfiles
On Sun, 03 Apr 2022 10:45:06 +0200
didier gaumet <> wrote:
> Hello,
> - Yes, I was suggesting both running VMs as an ordinary user instead of
> root and running VMs as session instead of system
> - But myself not running any VM as a server, I was not aware of the
> limitations inherent to the use of "session" compared to "system"
Got it. Some of my VMs are servers and some are not, so I suppose I
could run some as "session," but right now I'm just running everything
under a single "system" libvirt.
> - SSH tunnel: I was just saying it is possible to use a SSH tunnel or a
> direct SSH connection ("--direct")
Got it. I haven't really looked into the distinction, although I did
notice it in the documentation, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.
> Glad your problem is solved :-)
Thanks for providing me with the solution!
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