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Re: trying to get bookworm net going on an rpi4


On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 04:08:34PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> So what is the official, works in bookworm every time, way to totally 
> kill ipv6, making it use ipv4 for everything?

You don't need to; having IPv6 active doesn't cause any problem even
if you don't have a default route that supports IPv6. If it does
cause a problem then there is a misconfiguration to be solved. You are
wasting your time and introducing more places where you can make a
configuration error resulting in yet another of your megathreads¹.

However, if for your own eccentric reasons you insist:

# echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1' > /etc/sysctl.d/disableipv6.conf

will disable it from the next boot.

You can use:

# sysctl --system

to re-apply all sysctl configs immediately, so disabling IPv6
without needing to reboot.

> This ought to be in a faq somewhere. Except everybody has their own 
> method. :(

The first google hit for "debian disable IPv6" is:


which includes the above method. It's not a great page but it does
contain that info.

So even this highly unusual requirement has a very easy to find


¹ Your decision to use Debian testing seems likely to generate some
  more of those threads. But I expect you won't be persuaded to
  stick with stable.

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