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Re: [SOLVED] Re: Firefox: Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead for the USPS.com

On 1/4/22 10:19 AM, Michael Stone wrote:
And this is why putting stuff into /etc/hosts is basically never the right answer. :)

Au contraire!

Among other things, the host table is the best possible place to block access to certain unwanted domains. For example, if you add these entries:

>         facebook.com
>         www.facebook.com
>         hi-in.facebook.com
>         gl-es.facebook.com
>         twitter.com
>         www.twitter.com

you can never be tricked into accessing Facebook or Twitter (for me, ONCE is far too many times), and if you add

>         bing.com

then bing-redirections will fail every time (and alert you to their noisome and all-too-common presence).

And likewise, you might want to access other machines within your LAN by name, but your operation is not big enough to warrant bothering with an internal DNS, or you might need to access outside systems that, for various perfectly legitimate reasons, are kept off the public DNS.


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