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Re: iwd: Using iwd to connect to a wireless network (Part 1 - Connection status show OK but unable to surf the net)

On 9/30/21, David Wright <deblis@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wed 29 Sep 2021 at 18:06:12 (-0400), Dan Ritter wrote:
>> [ … ] However, while I know a fair amount about
>> networking, I don't know anything about iwd.
>> Very few people here have experience with iwd. It does not yet
>> seem to be working for you.
>> Might I suggest wicd, which people here do have experience with
>> and have used successfully?
> Err, not with bullseye. That's why I'm interested to see how Stella
> gets on with iwd — I have to switch WiFi client from wicd, and have
> no particular reason to favour wpa_supplicant.

Hi, my case was similar, while in Debian I use just /etc/network/interfaces
file or NM, in a Dell laptop with Arch I was using Wicd until it got more
or less abandoned and out of official repositories (like in Debian, IIRC),
so, following Arch wiki instructions, I changed Wicd for the
systemd-networkd+iwd combo, and the Wi-Fi connections are working
fine (previously, wpa_supplicant gave me some persistent problems...).
So, I can say that it's a pretty functional and simple tool for the task.
Meaning, it works.

Just my cents of noise ;)

Kind regards and thanks to everybody!

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