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iwd: Using iwd to connect to a wireless network (Part 1 - Connection status show OK but unable to surf the net)

Based on ArchLinux's tutorial on using iwd to connect to a wireless network (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Iwd), I managed to connect to my wireless router....or so I thought :(

Below are the relevant outputs:

In Terminal #1

username@hostname:~$ iwctl
[iwd]# device   wlan0   show

                      Device: wlan0                                *
  Settable     Property          Value
               Name              wlan0
      *        Mode              station
      *        Powered           on
               Address           2b:ef:4d:33:c2:e5
               Adapter           phy0

[iwd]# station wlan0 show
                                 Station: wlan0                                *
  Settable  Property            Value
            Scanning            no
            State               connected
            Connected network   Stella-Network
            ConnectedBss        2b:ef:6a:20:ac:18
            Frequency           2412
            Security            WPA2-Personal
            RSSI                -47                  dBm
            AverageRSSI         -47                  dBm
            TxMode              802.11n
            TxMCS               7
            TxBitrate           150000               Kbit/s
            RxBitrate           1000                 Kbit/s

The asterisk to the right of the word wlan0 is always blinking.

In Terminal #2

username@hostname:~$ sudo apt update

Result: sudo apt update is unable to update the repositories specified in /etc/apt/sources.list. I tried to use Firefox to browse the internet to no avail.

I appreciate your help in this matter. Thanks.

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