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Re: A bug in Vim, in Mate Terminal or in Debian 11?

On Sun 19 Sep 2021 at 21:27:49 (+0200), tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 04:21:56PM -0300, Dedeco Balaco wrote:
> > Em 19/09/2021 15:48, tomas@tuxteam.de escreveu:
> > > On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 03:06:28PM -0300, Dedeco Balaco wrote:
> [...]
> > Fine. I understand that you say that i could change my PS1 to always
> > reset the title.
> Specifically this is desirable whenever you want the title to show
> a "changing" property (in this case, for example, the current
> working directory).
> >                  But there is something this would hide, and which i did
> > not yet found an explanation for: sometimes, the default title is reset
> > after quitting vim, and sometimes not.
> That was my question: did you really observe vim resetting the title at
> program end, or was it something set dynamically by your shell (you
> said you changed your PS1 before the upgrade and the title was "fixed"
> at vim's exit, so there's evidence for both hypotheses :-)

I did come across this:


There are quite a few tricks that xprop can help with, but there
just aren't enough rainy days here to find time to play with them.


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