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Re: A bug in Vim, in Mate Terminal or in Debian 11?

Em 19/09/2021 15:48, tomas@tuxteam.de escreveu:
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 03:06:28PM -0300, Dedeco Balaco wrote:
>> Em 19/09/2021 14:41, tomas@tuxteam.de escreveu:
>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 01:58:16PM -0300, Dedeco Balaco wrote:
>>>>>   tomas@trotzki:~$ echo $PS1
>>>>>   \[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$
>>>> There has been a lot of time that i use a fancy PS1. But it does not
>>>> touch the terminal title, it never did. I just worked in it to get a
>>>> satisfying informative prompt.
>>> Interesting. In my box it seems to be PS1 what is setting the
>>> term title...
>> That is because you use a <something> enclosed between "\e]0;" and "\]",
>> and i never wanted to do it. Notice that, in the PS1 value you gave
>> above, you have "\u@\h: \w\a\" written twice. This is because one (the
>> first) is to set the title, and another (the second) is to set the prompt.
> I know, I know (after all, I analysed that in another mail). I was
> just trying to reverse-engineer how things are working (by default)
> on my Debian box.
> In any case, here it's not vim cleaning up its title after itself,
> but rather the shell's PS1 restoring it at the next prompt after
> vim.
> I just hoped this data point might help you pin-pointing your
> problem (BTW: vim could only restore the term's title if there
> were... an escape sequence to either query the title or tell the
> term to save/restore it.
> As to how to get xterm's [1] window title, I think you might
> have to fool around with xprop. Here [2] is some example code.
> Have fun :)
> [1] I'm always talking xterm. I guess that this parts are
>    pretty similar (if not identical) to other X based terminal
>    emulators.
> [2] http://www.shelldorado.com/scripts/cmds/xtitle

Fine. I understand that you say that i could change my PS1 to always
reset the title. But there is something this would hide, and which i did
not yet found an explanation for: sometimes, the default title is reset
after quitting vim, and sometimes not.

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