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Re: Debian bullseye

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 07:54:50AM +1200, Dawn Dorsett wrote:
> I have been using Debian for several years and have just upgraded to 
> Bullseye and I wish I hadn't.  It has some bug fixes in it (which were 
> more like minor inconveniences anyway), but Bullseye is SLOW.  Its getting 
> to be as bad as Windows and takes forever to start up.  Libreoffice is 
> particularly slow, and some days I see a delay between hitting the keyboard
>  and the results appearing on the screen.  None of this was a problem with 
> earlier releases. So right now I'm pretty pissed off with Debian.
> Regards,
> _Dawn Dorsett_.

Hi Dawn,

As others in the thread have said: what are the hardware/memory constraints
on your machine? What's the video card / graphic chipset? 

What earlier release were you moving from?

What window manager / desktop environment are you running now?

All of these may be factors: some software is becoming very memory intensive
- looking at you, here, Firefox and Chromium - and the difference is 
sometimes noticeable.

Any and all information you could give might be helpful. Often just writing 
it down is enough to remember "everything was so different before I changed
some one thing" :)

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

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