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Re: Specifying dedicated partions during install - pros/cons?

On Sunday, August 29, 2021 10:30:53 AM Andy Smith wrote:
> In general it is best to have the simplest layout of filesystems
> possible that still matches your use case. Most of the time that
> will be a single partition for everything.

In general I agree.  I have had more complicated setups in the past, with more 
mount points.  The one thing I plan to continue to do is this:

I try to keep the system (and all its data) separate from what I consider my 
user data, that being files / stuff (like documents, noters, photos, videos, 
...) that I create or download from somewhere.

To do that, I fudge the system a little.

I let /home/<user> be created but I don't put the stuff I described above as my 
user data, I create a separate top level directory on a  separate partition, 
typically named /<usernn>.

If I have to move all the data to another system, I can do things like move 
the entire hard disk (physically), or copy it, or ...

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