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Re: On improving mailing list [was: How to Boot Linux ISO Images Directly From Your Hard Drive Debian]

On Mon, Aug 09, 2021 at 04:09:19PM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 09, 2021 at 11:09:24AM +0200, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > [mailman, threads crossing month boundaries]

> I'm fairly sure it will resemble mailman (<=2) in this respect yes.
> But that's also how the Debian mailing list archives are organised.
> You and I are free to organise our own private list archives how we
> see fit.

This was but one example for the more general (and interesting)
theme of the "different views of the world" (see below).

> >Imagine just that "+1" thingie [...]

> I *think*, that the +1/-1 stuff is not visible via mail at all. So
> you're right: there'd be a divergent "view of the world". Some might
> say, that those who prefer mail interfaces would be happy not to
> see that +1/-1 stuff at all. But that might not apply to any other
> divergences.
> >As opposed to a web application, where one visual appearance
> >is forced onto^H^H^H [2] offered to all participants; the
> >separation is not so clear.
> The idea would be that those who prefer to interact with mail continue
> to do so.

Yes, and I still think /trying/ is worth the effort, but I see
the paradox that a communication tool is here making communication
more difficult.

I can testify to it by having lived in a corp using mutt, while
all the others used Outlook. They were so conditioned by the
(uniform) UI that I sometimes could only understand what they
were talking about by imagining how things would look on their
screens. The UI design had become part of the communication

In the attempts at bridging mail-y and forum-y worlds so far,
I've seen very little thought put into that.

 - t

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