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Bullseye installation problem

Machine HP Proliant ML150 with 5GB RAM and currently a single HDD. I normally 
use a netinst CD created locally from the jigdo image (amd64).
I have tried to install both basic bullseye rc1 and bullseye rc2 with SSH 
server several times over the last few days, using different netinst CD's, and 
each time the installation appears to be faultless until I try to boot the new 
installation. I just want to be able to login locally, do a small amount of 
configuration, and then login remotely over the network. The GRUB display is 
normal, but then the SVGA monitor only shows a single message about

VMX outside text (disabled by BIOS)

before the monitor complains that the video is out of range and gives up.
This happens with two different monitors.
I have now installed buster 10.10.0 with KDE into a spare partition with full 
access to the 
rc2 partition (including remote access) so am able to copy any information 
required for a bug report, but what should it be reported to?
My only comment about the 10.10.0 installation so far is that a local monitor 
display apears to show a low definition display, with everything including text 
slightly large on the screen, but it appears to work normally.

Chris Bell

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