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Re: generate a rss.xml from a bunch of HTML files

On 2021-05-11 at 23:01, David Wright wrote:

> On Wed 12 May 2021 at 03:15:38 (+0200), Emanuel Berg wrote:
>> David Wright wrote:
>>> BTW I downloaded one of the pages [...] just out of interest, the
>>> code looked laid out very clearly — quite unlike so many web
>>> pages I see.
>> Well, thank you, pretty simple HTML I'd imagine but I guess one can
>> screw up even simple tasks...
>>> Having read through the rather old
>>> https://interglacial.com/tpj/26/ it looked to me as though the OP
>>> is halfway there.
>> The Perl Journal? What do you mean? (URL gives a 404)
> Very odd. Here's my mouse hovering over google's hit (link gets
> underlined, and address appears at the bottom).

Last night, I checked accessing that URL, its parent directory, and the
parent of that (which is the root of the domain), and I got errors from
all of them. I didn't make specific note of what errors they were, but
they may have been 404s.

I checked again just now, and I still get errors from that URL and its
parent directory, but they're not 404; they're 403 Forbidden.

Accessing the domain root, on the other hand, gets me a working page.
That page includes a variety of links, including at least one reading in
part "Perl Journal"; attempting to follow that link gets me 403
Forbidden again, but attempting to follow one of the other links at
random got me a working page.

Looks like there's some ongoing quirks with that site, at least to do
with permissions, which may or may not get sorted out on the far end
without further intervention.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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