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Re: Converting markdown to PDF

Paul M Foster writes:

On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 10:46:09PM +0200, Linux-Fan wrote:


> pdflatex is provided by package texlive-latex-base.
> Some hints about which packages might be needed can be seen in pandoc's
> "Suggests":
> ~$ aptitude show pandoc


Thanks. When I used "-t latex" and tried outputting to PDF after installing
some of these dependencies, I did get a PDF. Unfortunately, it looks about
as horrible as most LaTeX docs. I'll keep tweaking it.

Yes, I do not like the default style either :)

There are multiple options to change the appearance without digging too deeply into the generated LaTeX code. E.g. I use a wrapper script for the following command:

pandoc \
	-t latex \
	-f markdown+compact_definition_lists+tex_math_single_backslash+link_attributes \
	-V papersize=a4 \
	-V classoption=DIV10 \
	-V fontsize=12pt \
	-V documentclass=scrartcl \
	-V fontfamily=kpfonts \
	-V babel-otherlangs=greek \
	-V babel-newcommands=\\usepackage{teubner} \
	-V toc-depth=1 \
	-V x-masysma-logo=/usr/share/mdvl-d5man2/tplpdf/logo_v2 \
	-V x-masysma-icon=/usr/share/mdvl-d5man2/tplpdf/masysmaicon \
	--default-image-extension=pdf \
	--template=/usr/share/mdvl-d5man2/tplpdf/masysma_d5man.tex \
	--resource-path="$(dirname "$1")" \
	-o "$(basename "$1").pdf" \

Some of the `-V` options improve (IMHO) the output style. The choice of font already makes a huge difference (but is also a matter of tast!). Additionally, I use an own “template” file to do some advanced things like add logos/icons etc. If you are interested in an example, see




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