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Re: Deb10 installer can't install grub

Greg Wooledge <greg@wooledge.org> writes:

> tomas@tuxteam.de (tomas@tuxteam.de) wrote:
>> > 1x 4TB, single drive,          3.7 TB,  w=108MB/s , rw=50MB/s  , r=204MB/s 
>> > 2x 4TB, mirror (raid1),        3.7 TB,  w=106MB/s , rw=50MB/s , r=488MB/s 
>> Thanks. Real data :)
>> The doubling in read throughput is somewhat surprising to me. Some
>> learning to do, it seems.
> There are two copies of everything.  So, if you need to read a big
> file, you can read half of it from disk 1 and the other half from disk 2,
> roughly simultaneously.

I have a vague memory of reading once that mdraid doesn't stripe reads
to a single file. I.e. with raid1 you get the double speed if you read
different files (or different parts of disk) but reading a single file,

So is this different in zfs? I guess I could test this myself. The way
Bonnie++ was used for those results above is definitely parallel.

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