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Re: Forwarding to report-listspam.d.o vs bounce [was: Kind reminder: please don't reply to and/or quote spam, ever]

tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 01:27:40PM +0200, Sven Hartge wrote:
>> Andrei POPESCU <andreimpopescu@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> As far as I know "forwarding as attachment" does not affect the
>>> original message (though this may depend on the client), however it
>>> is *not* appropriate for this particular use-case. I'm guessing
>>> because it would be difficult to distinguish the forwarded message
>>> from other (legitimate) mime parts.
>> No, because wrapped messages are of "Content-Type: message/rfc822".
>> If your wrap multiple messages, all are contained in "Content-Type:
>> multipart/digest", so they are easily distinguishable from other
>> attachments.

> So you suggest that forwarding a message (as message/rfc822
> attachment) to report-listspam@l.d.o would be the right thing to do
> with Thunderbird?

No, because I don't know what the listmasters prefer.

I only know that *I* as postmaster for a university prefer to get
spam-mails forwarded via attachement because it keeps the original mail
as intact as possible and I can really easily automagically extract the
original mail and use the necessary tools on them.

(Yes, I could also grab the message directly from the mail storage, but
legal hurdles prevent me from doing this.)

I just wanted to counter Andreis claim that by forwarding you couldn't
distinguis between attached/wrapped mails and other attachments.

As you said: only the Debian listmaster can answer the question how
their workflow prefers the spam to be sent in.


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