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Can any setting be changed after an "install Buster from scratch"-procedure?


I followed Ken's thread about date format in Thunderbird:


and ended up reading about Dot files:


This was very helpful for me, because I think I can now ask the right question:

Can every setting made with an "install Buster from scratch"-procedure (like the one for [Teres-I DIY laptop] available at box.redpill.dk) be changed after the install procedure is completed?

I mean, can some settings be "hard-coded" by an install procedure?

Or in other words, which settings need to be set correctly during install?

The reason I ask is that, for me, every install from scratch is quite time consuming and makes it very hard to check mail and do other basic stuff while installing, so if everything can be tinkered with after an install, I can probably find out how I want my laptop to be set up without an Ethernet connection (which I happen to need for the install procedure).

Maybe my my question doesn't make sense, but for me it does, because I have now managed to install a fresh new Teres-I image that is available at box.redpill.dk, with a result that I hope I "fix", i.e. tinker with further to make it into a Swedish laptop.

This is my sequence of commands that brought me here:

1.Prepare image on SD card (done on another fully functional machine):
1.1.  wget http://box.redpill.dk/nonfree/nonfree-teres1-buster-1.0rc2.img.gz
1.2.  gunzip nonfree-teres1-buster-1.0rc2.img.gz
1.3.  sudo cp nonfree-teres1-buster-1.0rc2.img /dev/sda
2. Move SD card to Teres-I, connect ethernet-via-USB-cable, turn on machine and follow instructions on screen:
2.1.  sudo box-finalize
2.1.1.  Dialog
2.1.2.  high
2.1.2.  install language support - yes
2.1.2.  Select default language code (none to skip) - none
2.2.  sudo apt update
2.3.  sudo box-add-gui
2.4.  sudo shutdown -h now

I think that is pretty neat! (thank you Jonas!)

I have then started Teres-I again with network via tethering via USB turned on from a Galaxy III GT-i9300 mobile phone running LineageOS. Somehow Teres-I gets network early enough in the boot process to later do the following flawlessly:

sudo apt install aptitude
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude upgrade
sudo aptitude autoclean
sudo aptitude install gedit
man gedit

To me it now looks like I have a fully functional laptop, but as I wrote above, I need to tinker with it to get it to behave like it is a Swedish laptop.

The most wonderful thing is that it looks as if I could do this with tethering via USB (with which my DNS-issues seems gone!).

Thanks for helping out!

Best regards.


[Teres-I DIY laptop] https://www.olimex.com/Products/DIY-Laptop/

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