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Re: Top 7 Programming Languages That Employers Really Want

On Fri, 18 Oct 2019 13:26:03 -0400
Doug McGarrett <dmcgarrett@optonline.net> wrote:

> On 10/18/2019 09:31 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming wrote:  
> >> Subject: Top 7 Programming Languages That Employers Really Want
> >>
> >> This is just a quick survey. May I know what programming languages
> >> do you know? I am considering being a programmer or developer.
> >> How long will it take for me to master a programming language like
> >> C++, Java, and Python?  
> >
> > Nobody knows.
> >
> >  
> skip intro
> >
> > Most experienced programmers know two or three computer languages
> > very well, and one or two others just enough to figure out what a
> > program is doing.
> >
> > Python is generally considered a good language to start learning
> > the ideas of programming, and is also widely used for a variety
> > of tasks. I think "Learn Python The Hard Way" is an excellent
> > introductory book. It will take a dedicated student at least
> > two months to get through it, or about a year if you work on it
> > one day a week or so.
> >
> > Once you know one programming language, you will find it much
> > easier to learn new ones in the same family of languages, and
> > also easier to learn unrelated languages. For example, once you
> > understand the concept of a typed variable, you won't have to
> > relearn that -- just what the types available in a given
> > language are.
> >
> > I work in shell, Perl, Python, Ruby; I use some special purpose
> > languages like SQL, and specialized configuration languages like
> > Cisco IOS and Juniper's JunOS. I have used any number of
> > languages in the past that I don't encounter much, like LISP,
> > FORTRAN and Prolog.
> >
> > I don't consider myself a programmer. I'm a senior
> > general-purpose systems administrator with network engineering,
> > security and people-management specialties.
> >
> > -dsr-  
> I'm not a programmer either. I started learning code way back
> when BASIC and Fortran seemed to be the most common languages,
> and I learned to use BASIC. (This was in the days when we had
> an acoustic modem and a Teletype machine, and the mainframe was
> 1500 miles away!) Later, I learned a "real" language, Pascal.
> When I discovered the case statement, I was in heaven! What a
> mess it was to do the equivalent in BASIC! As an RF engineer,
> it was really handy to solve some repetitive equations in Pascal.

I learned BASIC as the integer-only Applesoft, on an Apple II. A year
or two later I bought a BBC Micro, which had BBC BASIC built in.
Functions, procedures, recursion, case, all sorts of stuff that proper
BASIC didn't have. Oh, and a built-in assembler for the 6502. The later
Acorn Archimedes had an ARM assembler built in. 
> I'm not sure if any Pascal compilers are still available, but
> Turbo was the most popular back when. Until the last version
> came out, and it was too complicated for its own good.

I came to Pascal from BBC BASIC, and found it a bit of an anti-climax.
There didn't seem to be that much difference.
> I took a good look at Python, and decided that the necessary
> indentation was too much for me to deal with. Maybe there is
> some kind of automated system for doing this, but I don't know
> of it.
> As for as learning to code, the most important part of any coding
> language routine is to state a problem and define a means of solving
> it, step by step, before you write a word of code, regardless of the 
> coding language! (This usually is called "pseudo code.") So if you
> have a logical mind, that's the first step.

"Kludgecode", I've seen it called, in a programming book I read about
forty years ago.

I mostly code as a hobby, I've sold a bit of Delphi and PIC assembler
as parts of something larger, but I've never been employed as a
developer. I think the OP may not realise that most development jobs
require a year of two of *commercial* experience using all the latest
buzzwords. Basically they're looking to hire people already doing the
same job for competitors.

I have a selection of computer hardware, so I mostly code in PHP on my
web server now. I notice that nobody else mentioned PHP. I consider
client-side code to be the work of the Devil.


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