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Re: Top 7 Programming Languages That Employers Really Want

Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming wrote: 
> Subject: Top 7 Programming Languages That Employers Really Want
> This is just a quick survey. May I know what programming languages do
> you know? I am considering being a programmer or developer.
> How long will it take for me to master a programming language like
> C++, Java, and Python?

Nobody knows.

The art of programming is in two parts. The first part is to be
able to think extremely clearly and rationally about a complex
system -- not the computer, usually, but the problem that you
are trying to solve. The second part is writing down those
thoughts in an artificial, highly constrained formal language.

Most experienced programmers know two or three computer languages very
well, and one or two others just enough to figure out what a program is

Python is generally considered a good language to start learning
the ideas of programming, and is also widely used for a variety
of tasks. I think "Learn Python The Hard Way" is an excellent
introductory book. It will take a dedicated student at least
two months to get through it, or about a year if you work on it
one day a week or so.

Once you know one programming language, you will find it much
easier to learn new ones in the same family of languages, and
also easier to learn unrelated languages. For example, once you
understand the concept of a typed variable, you won't have to
relearn that -- just what the types available in a given
language are.

I work in shell, Perl, Python, Ruby; I use some special purpose
languages like SQL, and specialized configuration languages like
Cisco IOS and Juniper's JunOS. I have used any number of
languages in the past that I don't encounter much, like LISP, 
FORTRAN and Prolog.

I don't consider myself a programmer. I'm a senior
general-purpose systems administrator with network engineering,
security and people-management specialties.



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