Re: User rw Permissions on New Hard Drive
Please don't oversnip. This subthread was about labels (aka LABELs).
On Fri 08 Mar 2019 at 08:20:40 (-0500), Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 07, 2019 at 09:15:51PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > On Thu 07 Mar 2019 at 23:12:29 (+0100), Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> > > Le 07/03/2019 à 20:23, David Wright a écrit :
> > > >
> > > > A filesystem
> > > > that has a label, has that label regardless of any OS.
> > >
> > > Have you ever used UDF ?
> >
> > Yes. As far as my experience goes, there's not a lot of difference.
> > I've had no occasion to *write* DVDs on a computer system, so I can
> > only speak of reading them.
> For writing, fstab and mount are not involved in any way whatsoever.
> The device must *not* be mounted, and one must ensure that no Desktop
> Environment application will attempt to auto-mount the medium while the
> write is underway.
> After generating or downloading the image,
That was my point. In order to generate an image like the ones
illustrated, which were from DVDs burned in my DVD recorder from
analogue input, I would have to know how to write a UDF filesystem.
So my answering "Yes" to "Have you ever used UDF ?" needed qualification.
In case you missed the point, the symlinks, mount and blkid commands
were included in the post only to demonstrate that the LABELs I was
observing in the UDF filesystems on my DVDs were usable in the same
way as those in extX and FAT filesystems. (If it walks like a duck …)
> > > It has a set of identifiers, and I observed
> > > that Windows and blkid did not use the same identifier as the label.
If I *had* experience of writing DVDs, then I might have known what
the set of identifiers were that Pascal was speaking about. As it is,
I guessed there'd be a mkudffs command, and googling its man page
revealed that there may be about four LABELish thingies. (I don't know
which might be quacking like a duck on my DVDs.) Perhaps I'll take a
look at these items some other time.
> one simply uses a command like
> cdrecord -v image.iso
> or the equivalent command for other software. On a machine with just one
> CD/DVD drive, you typically don't even need to specify the device.
I've only burned CDs, and they've typically had iso9660 filesystems,
or else no filesystems at all (ie Red Book). The former have LABELs
which I set with mkisofs -V <LABEL>.
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