Re: User rw Permissions on New Hard Drive
David Wright wrote:
> I would not expect to find the characters
> /dev/disk/by-label/ anywhere in the partition.
> That string belongs to the linux system, not to the card.
> That's what I meant by "actually belongs to the filesystems".
OK, that's clear and I understand.
>> I'm not clear about which other sort of label
>> might be referenced by LABEL=
> I'm not either but if I use /dev/disk/by-label
> I think I know what sort that is .... :)
> OK, I thought you had something in mind
Actually, I was thinking about the slot for partition name
that shows up in gparted as a possible source of confusion,
at least to me.
I've always left that one blank when partitioning
with gparted and used the plain vanilla label slot.
> BTW, in looking at man mount (to remind myself of the -L option),
> I noticed that it actually mentions this business:
> "The recommended setup is to use tags (e.g. LABEL=label) rather
> than /dev/disk/by-{label,uuid,partuuid,partlabel} udev symlinks
> in the /etc/fstab file.
It's been so long since I've checked man mount
that I've completely missed this recommendation.
> Tags are more readable, robust and portable."
I would agree after the informative discussions here
that the LABEL= tags in fstab are probably more
robust and portable.
But my feeble mind still believes /dev/disk/by-label
is more readable to me personally as it just
seems more explicit .... :-)
Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona
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