Re: User rw Permissions on New Hard Drive
Michael Stone wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 07, 2019 at 01:49:42PM -0700, Cousin Stanley wrote:
>>David Wright wrote:
>>> All that stuff in /dev/disk/ is just an ephemeral
>>> bunch of convenient symbolic links, presumably conjured
>>> up by udev or somesuch, if not the linux kernel
>> But are they not accurate after boot
>> for particular disks on a particular machine ?
> Maybe.
> The LABEL= is parsed by mount, which uses the same logic/source
> for that as blkid.
> The /dev/disk stuff is actually the product of more indirection
> and another codebase--morelikely to break than LABEL=.
> (Not that either is likely.
> So shortest is best. :D)
OK, I can understand a higher potential for breakage
due to a different codebase and/or indirection ....
I suppose I've been lucky to never have encountered
any problems using /dev/disk/by-label in fstab
but I've only ever run machines with at most
2 drives along with an optical drive ....
I have swapped drives between machines a few times
for one reason or another, but don't recall
any problems with those either after fstab adjustments.
Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona
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