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Re: USB Host-Host cables

On 06/17/2018 05:04 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
That's your perspective (as someone who's stated that you have no experience
at this). From the perspective of the people who tried to help you, you've
chosen an obscure solution rather than a well-tested and well-documented
solution for no apparent reason. (ROFL?) From the perspective of someone
trying to learn something, you've chosen to learn an obscure special-purpose
implementation rather than something that's fairly universal. (chuckle?)

Actually, IIUC the cable he got is basically two Ethernet-to-USB
adapters connected together via an ethernet cable, all neatly packaged
as a single physical object.  So except for the fact that he can't use
any of the ethernet-to-USB adapters for some other purpose, he did get
what "we" recommended and is universal.

*ROFL* * 1024^gazillion ;/

I have what is essentially a "USB->Serial" - "Serial->USB" Cable.
Ethernet is *NOT* involved - though there are topological similarities.
Multiple people keep telling me that I should use THIS/THAT/OTHER solution inspite of *FACT* I have found them unsatisfactory!

There is a MAJOR side benefit.
As I am not using a canned solution, I am learning much about what happens in the background.

If THEY want canned one-size-fits-all 'solutions', move to windoze!

Get idea I'm frustrated?
I ask "How to bake a cake?"
I'm told "Go drive a Ford."

I have what is essentially a "USB->Serial" - "Serial->USB" Cable.
Ethernet is *NOT* involved - though there are topological similarities.
I find it offensive!

[I'm given a plethora of solutions to 'problems' I DON'T have ... ]
[ *NOT* solutions to problems I *DO HAVE* ! ]

In the future please answer the questions I *DO* ask, NOT what you wished I asked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End of RANT

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