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Re: Setting up a local DNS server but clients that use it can't access the internet


On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 12:42:04PM +0000, Aero Maxx wrote:
> On 24 February 2018 at 12:36, Reco <recoverym4n@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Ok, what about this (again, run it from the malfunctioning DNS, root is
> > needed for the second and third command):
> >
> > dig in a debian.org @
> >
> > ss -nplu
> >
> > iptables-save
> >
> I've attached the output of those commands also now.

So, a SERVFAIL. That's curious, to say the least.

OK, let's try this:

1) Put "dnssec-validation no;" in your named.conf.options.

2) Restart (as in - stop then start) BIND.

3) Execute "dig in a debian.org @" once more.

4) Please provide BIND logs from its last restart.


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