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Re: software to do drawings of houses, gardens, etc.

t wrote:

> The more I read your musings the more I think
> you are looking for OpenSCAD.
> Here is a snippet out of some random .scad
> file, the things OpenSCAD stores its data in:
>   module strip(startpoint=[0, 0, 0]) {
>     translate(startpoint)
>       difference() {
>         cube([60, 10, 520]);
>         translate([30, -50, 45])
>           rotate([-90, 0, 0])
>             cylinder($fn = 100, h = 100, r = 10.25, center = false);
>         translate([30, -50, 470])
>           rotate([-90, 0, 0])
>             cylinder($fn = 100, h = 100, r = 10.25, center = false)
>       }
>   }
> OK, OK, it's not Lisp, but close :)

That sounds like a 3D GFX system? OpenGL-ish.

Anyway if you have a piece of code that will
just draw one 2D box for 5x10m or some other
digits that I can edit in a text file - *and*
a command to actually put it into a file, I'll
consider it. Her damit :)

> There even seem to be (complete? incomplete?
> dunno) Emacs modes for that thing. Let us
> know :-)

Yes, I saw one in MELPA when I searched for

    scad-mode [...] A major mode for editing OpenSCAD code

There is also "scad-preview".

By the way, here is some pic(1) source I wrote
~7y ago - I even wrote a small tutorial how to
use it - perhaps I can use that now...


underground experts united

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