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Re: obsolete wiki (no /etc/inittab)

On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 06:35:09PM +0100, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
> Debian 7 has those very manual pages:
> * https://manpages.debian.org/wheezy/upstart/inittab.5.en.html

Gene's copy/paste was crude, but his point was essentially valid:
the inittab(5) page on a *real* wheezy system comes from syvinit,
not from upstart.


I don't of know a single person who ever used upstart on wheezy.

I also don't believe it was wheezy's job to warn people that the next
release of Debian would have a new init system and break backward
compatibility.  That hardly seems fair to wheezy.  A system should only
be responsible for documenting itself, not its future progeny.

The change to systemd in jessie is a huge shock for some people, which
is why the alternative to "go back" to sysvinit is still provided and
mostly supported.

Could the Debian wiki do a better job?  Certainly.  But it is
documentation provided by end users for end users, so it's hit and miss.

If anyone on this list finds a wiki page that seems wrong, but you
don't feel like you have the knowledge required to fix it, go ahead
and point it out to us.  Be sure to give us the actual URL of the page
in question, and describe what you feel is wrong about it.  It would
also be helpful to understand how you got to that page ("I started on
SystemAdministration, then clicked Boot process, then clicked Init"),
as this will give us a better high-level overview of how the wiki is
structured.  Maybe the changes you want would fit better in one of
the pages you went *through* on your way here, or maybe not.

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