Re: Progress report Re: Invoking ddrescue
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On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 01:09:51PM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
> There is light at the end of the tunnel which doesn't appear to be
> an oncoming train ;/
> This is a manually created transcript of what I've done this morning.
> I physically can *NOT* do a copy-n-paste of what's happening as it is
> currently in progress on a separate _intentionally isolated_ laptop.
> My procedure has been to login "root" at the Jessie boot screen.
> I did *NOT* login as "richard" followed by executing "su" in a
> terminal.
> There *appears* to be subtle differences -- more investigation
> needed.
There is. If you invoke just "su", you inherit (more or less) the
(regular) user's environment, with some exceptions. If you invoke
"su -" (or equivalently "su -l") you get a fresh environment for
root, as if you had logged in as root directly.
The gory details are in su's man page (a bit complicated by the
fact that su can do more things, e.g. su'ing to another user instead
of root, executing just one command as the new user, and so on).
Jonathan commented on the other points much better than I could,
so I'll stop here :-)
- -- tomás
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