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OT: signatures (was Re: removing TexLive Docs packages)

On 2015-12-24 at 07:37, Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 23 2015,The Wanderer wrote:
> [snipped 32 lines]

This is standard practice; you don't usually need to indicate that
you've snipped at all (except maybe by leaving a blank line in between
the quoted bits where the snip was), much less the number of snipped

>> The standard for signature delimiters is a line consisting of
>> '-- ', as the first line of the signature block. Software which
>> knows what it's doing will see this line and treat whatever comes
>> after it specially - for example, leave it out when quoting a
>> message for reply.
>> If what he(?) really wants to do is treat his name as part of the
>> post and any (un-snipped? bottom-quoted?) text below that as
>> special, then his current signature delimiter is _almost_ correct -
>> the "almost" being because he has a space before the '--' as well
>> as after, so the delimiter won't be recognized by most software.
> That's true.  I've never got around to correcting my siggy in my
> gnus init file, the initial blank space needs to be removed.
>> If he's aiming for a normal signature delimiter, however, he does
>> indeed have it slightly wrong.
> you mean, having my name after the signature with the above 
> correction, right?

Not quite; as you've written it, your name _is_ the signature.

The '-- ' is not technically part of the signature; it's the signature
_delimiter_, i.e., the thing which sits between the signature and the
rest of the message. As such, it has to be the very first line of the
signature block. (In practice it will usually be included in the
signature file, but that's an implementation detail.)

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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