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Re: Strong Copyleft licenses other than the GNU GPL family.

Le quintidi 15 brumaire, an CCXXIV, Renaud OLGIATI a écrit :
> Would a kind soul be good enough to explain to me how to get the header
> date to come out as it does here, in the French Republican calendar ?

I use the combination of a specific parser-friendly date format configured
in Mutt with an autocommand script launched by Vim. Probably not easily
usable with your MUA.

Actually, I set this up more than twelve years ago, and I want to remove it
because it looks silly, especially during the sansculottides just before new
year. I have yet to find the tool that would fit my needs exactly: detect
the language of the quoted mail, adapt the attribution language accordingly,
and set the Vim spell check language too.


  Nicolas George

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