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Re: Lost LVM data - lost logical volume

On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 09:03:20PM -0400, Doug wrote:
> I am not a programmer. (I am also not a user of Debian, but I do keep
> a watch here to see what might be going on in the other popular
> distros.) So I feel it is reasonable to put this out to the readers of
> this list:
> What percentage of Debian users does anyone reading this believe to be
> able to read the source code (if they even know where to look to find
> it) and then to modify it to suit their needs? Surely Linux was a
> programmer's
> wonderland when it came out in 1995, but it is now a system which even
> grandmothers are using. I would not ever suggest that it become closed
> source--as I suspect one or two distros may be on the way to--but it
> should be realized
> that its original wonderfulness is lost on the majority of modern-day
> users.

Sadly, you maybe right. Remember there are distros, and there are
distros. Consider an analogy, off road vehicles --- there are families
which buy an off road vehicle because it is fashionable but all they
ever do is to drive to and fro from work and pick the kids up.

Then there are the people who actually take their vehicles off road in
the weekends and put them to their proper use for enjoyment.

So consider, for the first case that you compare it to Ubuntu and Linux 
Mint while for the second case you could compare it to Debian etc.

So, keeping that in mind, it's not at all obscure or weird to suggest
looking at the source code. 

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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