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Re: Was: Ric Moore

On Sat, 17 Jan 2015 15:38:25 -0500
Gene Heskett <gheskett@wdtv.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately, the last 9 debian/ubuntu flavored installs, on 4
> machines here, have all ran up against Network-Mangler, which
> promptly tore down any attempts I successfully made to get it online.


> Sorry, but network manager is a sore spot for my local network, and
> will be until such time as it is no longer a daemon that cannot even
> be killed.
> This isn't winderz folks, get rid of useless crap please.

It may not be Windows, but if you have Gnome, it nearly is. How about a
netinstall to Xfce, then if you really, really need some of Gnome,
install it bit by bit and not with the metapackage? It may well be
possible to get just the bits of Gnome that you want, without NM.

I actually deliberately have NM on my netbook, laptop and boot-anywhere
hard drive, all without Gnome. I use wi-fi, a mobile dongle and
OpenVPN, and it seems to deal with all of them reasonably sensibly,
though I certainly remember a time when it was utterly useless. I do
have DHCP at home, and of course so does everywhere I use the mobile

I don't have NM on my home workstation, which uses that old-fashioned
Ethernet cable stuff. I don't have Gnome on the workstation either, but
I do have various Gnome bits such as Nautilus. It really should be
possible to avoid NM, but probably not without some effort.


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