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Re: WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/username/.cache/keyring-XXXXXX/pkcs11: No such file or directory

On 05/02/2014 03:33 PM, John Hasler wrote:
The MATE Packaging Team <pkg-mate-team@lists.alioth.debian.org> will be
amazed to learn that.

That's news to me.  I used the following information:


    MATE is available via unofficial repositories for the following
    Linux distributions, but inclusion in their official repositories
    is planned:


Installed from, and update/ upgrade from:


But, it looks like Debian Wheezy packages are now (were then?) available:

    2014-05-02 15:51:20 dpchrist@desktop ~
    $ apt-cache search mate | egrep '^mate' | head
    mate-applets - Various applets for the MATE panel
    mate-applets-common - Various applets for the MATE panel (common files)
mate-applets-dbg - Various applets for the MATE panel (debugging symbols)
    mate-archive-keyring - GnuPG key of the MATE repository
    mate-backgrounds - a set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE desktop
    mate-bluetooth - MATE Bluetooth tools
    mate-bluetooth-dbg - MATE Bluetooth tools (debugging symbols)
    mate-calc - MATE desktop calculator
    mate-character-map - Unicode character picker and font browser
mate-character-map-common - Unicode character picker and font browser (common files)

Does anybody have Wheezy with Debian-packaged MATE, MPlayer2, and SMPlayer? Does SMPlayer play *.wav files by double-clicking in Caja? Does MPlayer generate the subject error when playing *.wav files?


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